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Avances en Enfermería

versão impressa ISSN 0121-4500


OSPINA DIAZ, JUAN MANUEL; MANRIQUE ABRIL, FRED GUSTAVO  e  GUIO GARZON, JOSÉ ALFREDO. Health and work: Artisanal coal mining in Paipa (Province of Boyacá), Colombia. av.enferm. [online]. 2010, vol.28, n.1, pp.107-115. ISSN 0121-4500.

Context: There is a direct relation between coal mining techniques and work related hazards with health conditions and the likelihood of getting ill, mainly due to pneumoconiosis, trauma and alterations of bones and of muscles. Objective: describe work related conditions and health conditions in a sample of informal coal miners in Paipa, Province of Boyacá. Materials and methods: observational, cross-sectional descriptive study. 196 miners were assessed through a previously designed instrument. Work related environment and health condition were explored. In addition, some medical records were reviewed. The information was systematized and analyzed in Epi-Info2002®. Modal scores and measures of statistical dispersion were estimated for the variables included. Results: average age 30  years; 16,3% under age; socio-demographic characteristics compatible with extreme poverty; 34,7% not affiliated to SGSS (basic health insurance); hardly 1% affiliated to the social security system and 0,5% covered by ARP (Occupational Risks Insurance); average income per month $280.000 (approx. US$140,0); 48,9% consumes alcohol on a weekly basis; average work day 7,44 hours; 76,5% works underground; 16,8% presented some illness during assessment; 15,65% refers at least one work-related accident; 64,8% finds it work monotonous or repetitive; eye, respiratory and bone and muscle disorders were often self-reported. Conclusions: high occupational risk, vulnerable population group, poor remuneration, no employment protection. Low educational level, child labor, inappropriate nutrition, alcohol consumption and unsuitable environment are some of the risk factors found, which are mainly expressed in traumatisms, eye damage, respiratory disease and alterations of bones and muscle.

Palavras-chave : coal mining; occupational health; occupational risks; occupational exposure.

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