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Papel Politico

versão impressa ISSN 0122-4409


ANGARITA-CALLE, Carlos Hugo. Economic International Relations: A Theoretical Approach . Pap.polit. [online]. 2008, vol.13, n.1, pp.261-298. ISSN 0122-4409.

International Relations, especially with an emphasis on economics, can be a discipline of study that, as a subject of knowledge, is extremely wide and could belong to several more general sciences, among which Political Science, Economics, and Social Sciences can be highlighted. The need to insert scientific thought in contemporary reality and in essential aspects of international integration processes has become increasingly clear. The general objective of this research is to undertake an exploratory study that will allow us to define an assumed conceptual complex of International Economic Relations, giving it precise and specific contents, in order for the discipline to acquire a special and distinctive character and to position itself in the academic national environment from an open, multidisciplinary, new, and academic point of view but with historical and real sustenance.

Palavras-chave : Politics; economy; international relations; realpolitik; conflict; lawlessness; international system; globalization; markets; International economy; International relations; Globalization.

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