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vol.29 número128Gestão das empresas familiares e não familiares: análise comparativaRelação entre a estratégia de inovação da empresa e a sua decisão de patentear: evidência de empresas pertencentes ao sector da indústria transformadora colombiano índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Estudios Gerenciales

versão impressa ISSN 0123-5923


RAMIREZ ANGULO, Pedro Julián  e  DUQUE OLIVA, Edison Jair. Product involvement and brand loyalty for massive consumption products in Bogotá D.C. estud.gerenc. [online]. 2013, vol.29, n.128, pp.303-312. ISSN 0123-5923.

This article seeks to validate some hypotheses related with the relationship between Product Involvement and Brand Loyalty for consumer products in Bogotá (Colombia). To this end, information on the perceptions of product involvement and brand loyalty was collected from 478 consumers located in Bogota. The information collected was subsequently analyzed by Structural Equation Modeling, and was used to demonstrate a direct relationship between the product involvement and brand loyalty concepts. This information also shows some relationship between the dimensions of each concept. There were also differences in the behavior of these variables for different kinds of product.

Palavras-chave : Involvement; Loyalty; Consumer; Brand; Structural Equation Model.

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