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Estudios Socio-Jurídicos

versão impressa ISSN 0124-0579


BALMACEDA-HOYOS, Gustavo. The Swindle Crime: a Necessary Normative Construction of its Elements. Estud. Socio-Juríd [online]. 2011, vol.13, n.2, pp.163-220. ISSN 0124-0579.

The present work exposes a review about the performance of the "traditional" thesis (Naturalistic) of the swindle crime in front of the needs of the present's Political Policy. For this system, the various frauds' elements require a causal relationship. Today it might be wondered whether this solution is desirable, i.e. whether respond efficiently to the problematic assumptions that the contemporary business practices raises.

Palavras-chave : swindle crime; deceit; Patrimonial detriment; normative construction.

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