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vol.13 número2Responsabilidade ínternacional do Estado frente ao dever de custódia: normas internacionais frente aos centros estatais de detençãoA autonomia contratual como sustento para a coexistência de registros marcários na Colômbia índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Estudios Socio-Jurídicos

versão impressa ISSN 0124-0579


ESTEPA, María Carolina. Friendly Settlements in the Framework of the Inter-American Human Rights System. Estud. Socio-Juríd [online]. 2011, vol.13, n.2, pp.327-352. ISSN 0124-0579.

The Inter-American system for the protection of human rights provides that disputes between States and victims of human rights violations or their representatives can be resolved through a friendly settlement. In this arrangement, conducted before the regional organs of protection of human rights, the State accepts its international responsibility, commits itself to investigate and judge the responsible and makes commitments on compensation to the offended, the victims, on his part, renounce to take the case to the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, and the Inter-American Commission monitors the legal consistency of the agreement and holds the role of independent observer. What are these agreements, what possibilities and limitations provide to the opposing parties and, above all, what kind of reparation offer to victims of human rights violations are issues to resolve in this article.

Palavras-chave : friendly settlement; human rights; Inter-American system; international duties; right to reparation.

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