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versão impressa ISSN 0366-5232versão On-line ISSN 2357-3759


MINUE, Carlos Rogelio; GANDULLO, Ricardo  e  TRONCOSO, Viviana Úrsula. Floristic diversity of cultivated halomorphic soils of the Alto Valle de Río Negro (Argentina). Caldasia [online]. 2022, vol.44, n.1, pp.95-107.  Epub 29-Abr-2022. ISSN 0366-5232.

In the Alto Valle de Río Negro, excessive irrigation and poor drainage cause the water table to rise with dissolved salts that, combined with the texture of the soil, promote its salinization. Consequently, halophytes thrive, and both crop yields and the quality of the products decrease. This work aims to analyze the floristic diversity of halophytes in different crops and textural groups in the area. Vegetation surveys on salinized patches in different productive establishments were carried out. For each taxon, the importance value was calculated and was classified according to its geographical origin, habit, life form, and mechanism to resist salinity. The floristic comparison between environments was carried out using the ecological indices richness, diversity and evenness, and hierarchical grouping techniques. The floristic list presents 111 infrageneric taxa. The best-represented families are Poaceae, Asteraceae, and Chenopodiaceae. The 70.27 % of the taxa are pseudohalophytes, 17.11 % crinohalophytes, and 12.62 % euhalophytes. The "barda" and "media barda" soils have the highest ecological indices. The abandoned and forage crops present the highest values of diversity and equitability, while vine and abandoned crops, the highest values of specific richness. The floristic similarity values in the textural groups are low to medium, while in the crops, medium to high. The first floristic inventory of halophilic taxa in cultivated halomorphic soils for the region is presented, which provides useful information for adequate management of productive establishments.

Palavras-chave : Agricultural crops; halophytes; Patagonia; salinization.

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