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El Ágora U.S.B.

versão impressa ISSN 1657-8031


GARCIA-PENA, John Jairo  e  ARANA-MEDINA, Claudia Marcela. Relationship between Risk Actions and Attempted Suicide in Young College Students as a Psychological Welfare Factor. Ágora U.S.B. [online]. 2021, vol.21, n.1, pp.255-269.  Epub 01-Nov-2021. ISSN 1657-8031.

This article makes emphasis on two aspects, suicide and life-threatening actions is a product of research carried out at three universities in Medellin, Colombia, on suicide prevention in university scenarios. Self-destructive behaviors can be understood as suicide risk factors, as long as they are personal or circumstantial conditions, which may indicate the possibility of suicidal behavior, but also as a factor of instability or imbalance of psychological well-being. Thus, risky behaviors are conditions, which increase the likelihood of suicide or exposure to constant danger. The results indicate a high relationship between life-threatening behaviors and acts with explicit intent to commit suicide. In conclusion, university students with low levels of psychological well-being are exposed to high-risk situations and are more prone to suicidal thoughts and acts.

Palavras-chave : Suicidal Ideation and Attempt; Self-Destructive Behaviors; Psychological Well-Being; and Young College Students.

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