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vol.55 número2A segurança cidadã e as Forças Armadas: ¿absurdo ou o último recurso frente à delinquência organizada?A participação comunitária nos assuntos da segurança cidadã em Bucaramanga e em sua área metropolitana índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista Criminalidad

versão impressa ISSN 1794-3108


VIZCAINO GUTIERREZ, Milcíades. Should the mission of the Colombian Police be renewed?. Rev. Crim. [online]. 2013, vol.55, n.2, pp.135-146. ISSN 1794-3108.

Problem. The deterioration of coexistence and civility as driven by new criminal forms demands answers relating to the role of the police, including those associated with the renewal of their institutional mission. In this article, it is argued that this essential mission understood as a hard identity has to be kept intact, while the conjunctural mission connected with strategy and tactics as soft identity expressions has to adapt to the changing demands of society. Methodology. The argumentation is supported by a theoretical and doctrinal thought with empirical references. Results. Coexistence and civility have been weakened in the face of aggressors leaving behind innocent victims and institutional delegitimization. Conclusions. Both civility and coexistence should be revised and rethought not only from the police institution but also -and this is essential- from society and State entities capable of responding to a multidimensional look.

Palavras-chave : Police; police organization; preventive police; the social role of the police; maintenance of public order.

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