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Revista Criminalidad

versão impressa ISSN 1794-3108


BONILLA OVALLOS, María Eugenia. Community participation in citizen security affairs in Bucaramanga and its Metropolitan Area. Rev. Crim. [online]. 2013, vol.55, n.2, pp.147-166. ISSN 1794-3108.

Police reforms carried out in Latin America during the past decades have been committed to foster citizen participation in the design, introduction and assessment of security policies. The role played by citizens in the current scheme of Police Service rendered in Colombia through the implementation of the "Plan Nacional de Vigilancia Comunitaria por Cuadrantes" (National Community Surveillance Plan by Quadrants) at the Metropolitan Area in Bucaramanga is analyzed, together with the perception that community leaders have of the model effectiveness and the citizens role as the managers of their own security.

Palavras-chave : Security; police; police services rendered to the community; community participation; police system.

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