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Avances en Psicología Latinoamericana

versão impressa ISSN 1794-4724versão On-line ISSN 2145-4515


CANET-JURIC, Lorena et al. Development and Validation of the Executive Function Questionnaire (CUFE) for Children aged 9-12 Years. Av. Psicol. Latinoam. [online]. 2021, vol.39, n.1, pp.1-25.  Epub 02-Jun-2022. ISSN 1794-4724.

The present study aimed to develop and valídate an accessible questionnaire to assess the three core executive functions (working memory, inhibition, cognitive flexibility) in children aged 9-12 years: the Executive Function Questionnaire (CUFE), and to provide descriptive baseline values and evidence about its reliability and validity. The questionnaire was tested on a sample of 269 Argentinean children from 9 to 12 years old. Children attended elementary schools in Mar del Plata's city. The exploratory factorial analysis revealed a three-factor structure that explained 49.08% of the variance. The items were unidimensional and showed satisfactory factor loadings. The retained factors presented good reliability and were called working memory, inhibition and flexibility, and emotional control. Working memory was associated with reading comprehension, mathematical skills, and school grades (language practices and mathematics). Inhibition and flexibility, and emotional control were associated with school grades. The factors were consistent with current theoretical models on executive functioning. Based on the evidence obtained, the CUFE represents an ecological and valuable instrument for measuring executive functions on children.

Palavras-chave : Executive functions; questionnaire; validity; self-report.

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