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Revista Colombiana de Obstetricia y Ginecología

versão impressa ISSN 0034-7434versão On-line ISSN 2463-0225


MANRIQUE-VILLANUEVA, Lina  e  ESLAVA-SCHMALBACH, Javier. Auscultating corruption in the health sector: definition and causes: What is it on the table?. Rev Colomb Obstet Ginecol [online]. 2011, vol.62, n.4, pp.308-314. ISSN 0034-7434.

Introduction: the desire to receive favorable or preferential treatment, infringing standards and the law, leads to corrupt behavior. The fact of placing particular interests above those of the general public affects society, excluding a significant percentage of the population and affecting their constitutional rights. This article provides reflection about the concept of corruption and reviews actors from the Colombian healthcare system, inviting an interdisciplinary look at the matter thereby leading to a critical reading of the information presented by the mass media. Objective: reflecting on what is corruption, what are its causes, how does it affect the Colombian healthcare system and discussing the need for far-reaching reform regarding the formation of cultural values thereby orientating people towards valuing honesty and transparency. Materials and methods: this reflection article points out how corruption affects public health by reviewing secondary sources. A conceptual approach is sought regarding the notion of corruption from economic, political and cultural points of view and concludes from the perspective of public health, the need for sweeping healthcare system reforms and training of healthcare professionals as participatory citizens having the necessary skills for a critical reading of the media. Results: three premises are postulated which should be documented by the academic world: corruption is universal, it has penetrated the healthcare system and it has markedly permeated the unregulated market system. Conclusions: healthcare system reform should ensure absolutely no corruption in the sector, real access to quality service provision, having an inter-sector approach understanding the role of healthcare determinants in the perpetuation of disease and poverty, aimed at controlling shortterm results in conditions of equality.

Palavras-chave : healthcare delivery; economics; government finance; healthcare insurance; theft.

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