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Revista Colombiana de Obstetricia y Ginecología

versão impressa ISSN 0034-7434


RUIZ-HOYOS, Bayron Manuel; LOANGO-CHAMORRO, Nelsy  e  LANDAZURI, Patricia. The accuracy of telomerase activity for diagnosing human papilloma virus in females having cervical pathology in Armenia, Colombia, 2007. Rev Colomb Obstet Ginecol [online]. 2012, vol.63, n.3, pp.207-214. ISSN 0034-7434.

Introduction: Cervical cancer is a worldwide public health problem, around 500,000 cases being diagnosed anually (68,000 in Latin-America). It is the most mortal malign gynaecological neoplasia in Colombia and is the second in terms of incidence after breast cancer. The rate of false negatives for cervical cytology is 20-40%, thereby explaining the cases present in the population undergoing early screening; human papilloma virus (HPV) typing telomerase activity represents a promising study regarding early diagnosis. Objective: Determining the accuracy of telomerase activity by comparing it to PCR for HPV 16 or 18 in the cervix of females having cervical pathology. Materials and methods: This was a diagnostic test design accuracy study assembled using a cross-sectional involving 102 women suspected of having cervical pathology who had consulted the Universidad del Quindío first level Health Centre during 2007. Telomerase sensitivity and specificity were evaluated, as was PCR sensitivity and specificity for HPV for cervical pre-neoplastic lesions. Results: HPV 16 prevalence was 23.5% and 29% for HPV 18. Telomerase sensitivity was 93% for HPV 16 (39% specificity) and 96% for HPV 18 (37% specificity). Conclusions: Telomerase was seen to be a promising diagnostic test for detecting HPV 16 and 18.

Palavras-chave : Cytology; papillomavirus; telomerase.

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