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Ideas y Valores

versão impressa ISSN 0120-0062


GARRETA LECLERCQ, MARIANO. Political Liberalism and Public Deliberation. Ideas y Valores [online]. 2013, vol.62, n.153, pp.99-123. ISSN 0120-0062.

ABSTRACT The supporters of political liberalism hold that the exercise of political power is legitimate only when it is justified by public reasons acceptable to all citizens, independently of the religious, philosophical, or moral doctrine they adhere to. In John Rawls' view, satisfying this conception of legitimacy makes it necessary to appeal to "political conceptions of justice" when attempting to publicly justify actions by the State. The article sets forth a new type of argument in favor of Rawls' position.

Palavras-chave : J. Rawls; liberalism; justice; legitimacy.

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