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Revista Colombiana de Ciencias Pecuarias

versão impressa ISSN 0120-0690versão On-line ISSN 2256-2958


SOLARTE-PORTILLA, Carlos; CARDENAS-HENAO, Heiber; ROSERO-GALINDO, Carol  e  BURGOS-PAZ, William. Caracterización molecular de tres líneas de Cavia porcellus mediante la aplicación de AFLPMolecular characterization of three populations of Cavia porcellus with AFLP markers. Rev Colom Cienc Pecua [online]. 2007, vol.20, n.1, pp.49-58. ISSN 0120-0690.

Molecular markers are a powerful tool to determine genetic variability within and among populations, but for the Cavia porcellus there are no reports on the use of these techniques. Three populations, two native and another one, genetically improved which was obtained by crossing native and Peruvian animals and submitted to genetic selection through several generations were analyzed by means of AFLP markers. Five primer’s combinations recommended for Rodenthia were used, but only one allowed to establish significant differences (p<0.01) according to unbiased Nei´s distance Value. Both native populations were grouped in a cluster genetically distant from the genetically improved animals. This showed that foreign animals absorbed the native populations. The average heterosigosity between 0.48% and 14.48% and the percentage of polymorphisms between 0.00% and 39.65% allow to conclude that there was a low variability between the populations, but the population genetically improved was the most polymorphic. The low variability within the improved animals it can be explained because of the intensive selection procedures use with them, whereas within the native populations can be explained because of their very low populations effective size. These results suggest that there is a need to restate the genetic improvement and preservation programs of the native Cavia porcellus in the southwest region of Colombia.

Palavras-chave : AFLP; Cavia porcellus; genetic variability.

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