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vol.54 número157From Almighty God to "the humility of God." A reflection on evolution in Kenotic perspectiveA feminist biblical interpretation from an approximation to (Hch 16, 13 to 15.40) and (Hch 16, 16-18) in dialogue with the testimonies of head of household women in Colombia índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Franciscanum. Revista de las Ciencias del Espíritu

versão impressa ISSN 0120-1468


AMESTOY, Norman Rubén. Protestant Women in the River Plate: 1870-1930. Franciscanum [online]. 2012, vol.54, n.157, pp.51-81. ISSN 0120-1468.

In this essay, it is necessary to understand and comprehend the ideas that Protestants had about women, the reasons for these ideas, and the space given to women within the missionary project. On the other hand, our interest is in capturing the insights they developed about themselves and the reformations they promoted in society. From an ambivalent position, the Protestantism marked by the religious revivalists meant an opening for women's participation and recognition. In the context of the Rio de la Plata (Buenos Aires, Rosario, Montevideo), Protestantism initially held a traditional and patriarchal concept of the female roles which was to be challenged by missionary women who came from the United States. They impelled a model for women that sought to make more flexible the patriarchal ideas and favoured modernization of Latin American society through the foundation of institutions -especially educational ones- which favoured the participation of Protestant women in the civil society.

Palavras-chave : Protestantism; women; missionary project; patriarchalism; feminism.

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