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vol.54 número157A feminist biblical interpretation from an approximation to (Hch 16, 13 to 15.40) and (Hch 16, 16-18) in dialogue with the testimonies of head of household women in ColombiaThe whole in the fragment: love as methodical core of the theological aesthetics of Hans Urs von Balthasar índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Franciscanum. Revista de las Ciencias del Espíritu

versão impressa ISSN 0120-1468


SANCHEZ RUIZ WELCH, Andrea. «You are also a sacrament». Recognition and Evangelical Hospitality. Franciscanum [online]. 2012, vol.54, n.157, pp.123-163. ISSN 0120-1468.

The migration phenomenon is changing its profile. An increasing number of women are leaving their homes in search of a better future for themselves and their families. Therefore, this reflection tries to raise conscience about the weak position of migrants women, besides giving a theological contribution to the understanding of the equity between men and women, bonding migration and gender. As Christians we are invited to prophetically assume a mentality and spirituality at service of the migrant pastoral. In accordance with this search I would like to bring into consideration two evangelical issues to give support to them: recognition and hospitality.

Palavras-chave : Migration; gender; women; recognition; hospitality.

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