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Franciscanum. Revista de las Ciencias del Espíritu

versão impressa ISSN 0120-1468


GOMEZ PARDO, Rafael. The mystical and analog experience of being. Franciscanum [online]. 2012, vol.54, n.157, pp.273-306. ISSN 0120-1468.

From a pragmatic perspective it is accepted the impossibility of "knowledge of the truth", of being, but argues that such knowledge is not necessary to propose the eve of a metaphysics whose starting point is, not knowledge, but our "system of beliefs "which can be object of interpretation. The beliefs do not require verification but an adequate justification, from this, can be established pragmatically their "truth" for human life. The belief in the reality of absolute can explain the science, art, philosophy, as experiences where it is an intent to achieve in analogic way-and only approximately, the unity with the Absolute, the Being. However, the desire for the absolute, following Plato and St. Augustine, is carried out fully in the mystique in which it is empowered and redefined the human life by enabling a more encompassing perspective.

Palavras-chave : Pragmatism; belief; absolute; mystic; analogy.

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