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 número46O conceito de solidariedade e seus problemas político-constitucionais.: Uma perspectiva iusfilosóficaSolidariedade e insolidariedade no constitucionalismo contemporâneo:: elementos para uma aproximação índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista de Estudios Sociales

versão impressa ISSN 0123-885X


CARVAJALINO GUERRERO, Jinú. Solidaridad de intereses:: la transformación del derecho social como dominación en Lorenz von SteinMutual Interests:: The Transformation of the Social Right as Domination in Lorenz von Stein. rev.estud.soc. [online]. 2013, n.46, pp.74-85. ISSN 0123-885X.

Lorenz von Stein is a German philosopher and jurist who has traditionally been proposed as one of the forerunners of the Social State. However, there are few studies of him in Spanish or English. The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate how, based on Social Movements and Monarchy, von Stein describes a new dimension of social rights in the Republic of mutual interest that Gurvitch disregarded. With the ideas of solidarity and mutual interests, von Stein builds a new dimension of social rights, which are transformed by the movement of the society and class interests.

Palavras-chave : Lorenz von Stein; social rights; social state; mutual interests; social reform; social movements.

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