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vol.13 número2Projetar estratégias de aprendizagem móveis através de ambientes de aprendizagem combinadosAlgumas considerações sobre os livros do cânone literário índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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versão impressa ISSN 1794-8932


LLAMAZARES DE PRADO, Jose Enrique; ARIAS GAGO, Ana Rosa  e  MELCON ALVAREZ, Maria Antonia. Theoretical review of visual impairment, study on the importance of creativity in education. sophia [online]. 2017, vol.13, n.2, pp.106-119. ISSN 1794-8932.

In the following work, it is raised the importance in education of key elements such as creativity and divergent thinking. This exhibition has as its main objective the review of studies on visual impairment and creativity. We propose a systematized reflection of the synthetic quantitative estimation of all the available studies, proposing a theoretical framework relating creativity in the education of students with visual deficiency, providing personal assessments. Within the conclusions drawn, the role of creative potential is evidenced, through divergent thinking in the creation of concepts and ideas, for problem solving, with interest not only in education but in any field of life.

Palavras-chave : Visual deficiency; creativity; bibliographic review; inclusive education; divergent thinking..

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