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Revista eleuthera

versão impressa ISSN 2011-4532


BERRIO-RIOS, Lina Victoria; OSORIO-BARRETO, Daniel  e  DIAZ-JURADO, Natalia. Factors associated with job satisfaction of administrative staff of a public university in the city of Manizales: a preliminary analysis. Rev. eleuthera [online]. 2021, vol.23, n.2, pp.101-123.  Epub 10-Fev-2022. ISSN 2011-4532.


This article presents the research results regarding the factors associated with the job satisfaction of the administrative staff of a public university, taking into account the sociodemographic aspects and the hiring conditions, and other labor factors that characterize this type of employees, through the identification of associations between sociodemographic variables and variables of the institution and the job position.

Methods and Data:

Quantitative study of descriptive scope and based on cross-sectional data with sample calculation for finite population and variables of a qualitative nature.


A descriptive analysis of the variables included in the instrument is carried out using contingency tables to identify the presence of independence/dependence between them.


The factors associated with job satisfaction correspond to: gender, age, type of relationship and seniority. Similarly, the high levels of satisfaction that administrative staff present with the type of tasks they carry out, the way of being and management style of their bosses, the way of being and behavior of their colleagues, and work in general stand out, which is not representative of salary, promotion or opportunity for promotion.

Palavras-chave : job satisfaction; university; administrative career; public sector.

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