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Revista eleuthera

versão impressa ISSN 2011-4532


MANUNGA-ARROYO, Ángela Patricia. Administration with a Chontaduro flavor: social work and the administrative process from the community/popular organization. Rev. eleuthera [online]. 2021, vol.23, n.2, pp.124-145.  Epub 11-Fev-2022. ISSN 2011-4532.


To present the importance of the critical perspective in social administration as a fundamental central concept for the work of community social work.


The main conceptual elements of the administrative process and social administration are addressed from a qualitative historical analysis that prioritizes discussion groups, semi-structured interviews, and documentary analysis to present the experience of the Casa Cultural El Chontaduro, a community/popular organization from the East of Cali (Colombia).


Elements of the administrative process are identified in dialogue with the trajectory of the organization making it possible to understand the administrative proposal conceived from the community process and to suggest some challenges for the approach of such processes from social work.


There is evidence of the need to strengthen a critical perspective of social administration that takes into account the needs of community/popular environments, in addition to articulating community social work to rigorous readings of the social context.

Palavras-chave : social administration; community social work; administrative process; community/popular organization.

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