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 número16Common Enemies at the Frontier of the Spanish Empire: Military Alliance between Pirates, African Americans and Native Americans in the Darién and Chocó regions. XXVI - XVIII centuries. índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Historia y MEMORIA

versão impressa ISSN 2027-5137


VELASQUEZ ARANGO, Juan José. War, State and Military Revolution in Spanish America during the XXVI and XVII Centuries. Hist.mem. [online]. 2018, n.16, pp.23-53. ISSN 2027-5137.

This article offers a new perspective for analysis of the development and imposition of the early Modern State in Spanish America, and how it affected prevailing forms of warfare. This research is based on the existance of a Military Revolution that allowed the passage from a feudal, Middle-Age type organization of war, into a kind of warfare adjusted to Modernity, institutionalized and rationally directed by the State organism.

We present theoretical observations, important to take into account in this kind of research, and illustrate them by means of different bellic episodes in America during this period.

Palavras-chave : War; Modern State; America; XVI Century; XVII Century; Military Revolution.

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