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Historia y MEMORIA

versão impressa ISSN 2027-5137


YANET GOMEZ, Nubia; ACUNA RODRIGUEZ, Olga Yanet  e  FELIPE BAUTISTA, Andrés. Historia Y MEMORIA: almost 10 years consolidatinga historiographic community. An overview frombibliometry. Hist.mem. [online]. 2020, n.20, pp.209-247.  Epub 30-Dez-2019. ISSN 2027-5137.

This article presents an analysis of the journal HISTORIA Y MEMORIA as a means of communication and scientific publication in the area of social history, it's development and its insertion in the academic community in this field. The starting point is a reflection on the editorial trajectory in the field of social history in which memory is a substantial referent of analysis for historians because it allows for the understanding other problems, other actors, other scenarios, and, above all, other sources; all this, in order to understand the voices of the invisible, the marginalised and other groups that have remained anonymous. This reflection is based on a bibliometric analysis in which themes, authors, as well as the connection and origin of the authors is evaluated, until the point of understanding how the journal, in its 9 years of existence, has managed to position itself in the field of historical knowledge in Colombia and in an international context.

Palavras-chave : History; Memory; bibliometric analysis; journal; social history.

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