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vol.59 número168A LUTA PELA POSSE DA TERRA. UNA LEITURA DA VINHA DE NABOT (1R 21)A CRENÇA CRISTÃ COMO OPÇÃO FUNDAMENTAL PELA NÃO VIOLÊNCIA índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Theologica Xaveriana

versão impressa ISSN 0120-3649


GUTIERREZ J.,, MARIO. POPE BENEDICT XVI'S ENCYCLICAL SPE SALVI IN THE DIALECTIC OF AN ACTIVE HOPE. Theol. Xave. [online]. 2009, vol.59, n.168, pp.393-422. ISSN 0120-3649.

The second Encyclical of Pope Benedict XVI develops an upto- date vision of Christian hope. The present paper presents, in the first place, a general sight of the present theological context of hope: an active hope centered on Jesus’ Paschal mystery, as an anticipation of God’s future that engages us with history’s crucified people. In a second place, it offers a reading of the document on hope in the perspective of a sound dialectic with illustrated modernity. Finally, it shows how active hope is an impulse that motivates the Fifth General Conference of the Bishops of Latin America and the Caribbean.

Palavras-chave : Active hope; Paschal mystery; dialectic; engagement; anticipation.

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