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Investigación y Educación en Enfermería

versão impressa ISSN 0120-5307versão On-line ISSN 2216-0280


RUTZ PORTO, Adrize et al. The essence of interdisciplinary practice in palliative care delivery to cancer patients. Invest. educ. enferm [online]. 2012, vol.30, n.2, pp.231-239. ISSN 0120-5307.

Objective. To get to know interdisciplinary practice in the Oncology Interdisciplinary Home Hospitalization Program (PIDI) health team. Methodology. This qualitative research involved nine professionals working in this program, in the South of Brazil, who delivered palliative care to cancer patients. Data were recollected in 2009 through observation and focal groups, and analyzed through the thematic analysis technique. Results. Two categories emerged: interdisciplinary practice in the PIDI is a permanent construction process and palliative care in interdisciplinary practice. This program was characterized by: workers' interaction in an interdisciplinary focus, integration of actions and knowledge, establishment of dialogue, horizontal power relations in the team, respect for other people's knowledge, colleagues and limits of their performance, collective and continuous learning, and internal motivation to defend a practice based on the quality of patients' life and death. Conclusion. The integration of interdisciplinary palliative care practice is innovative and can improve care quality and contribute to the satisfaction of professionals working with patients who need this type of care.

Palavras-chave : nursing; patient care team; hospice care.

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