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vol.15 número37O bucaneiro reformado como criador de geografias: espaço e território na costa da península de YucatánO Africano-afro-caribenho na construção e representação da identidade yucateca como parte do Caribe continental. Notas de um reclamo inconsciente índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Historia Caribe

versão impressa ISSN 0122-8803


JOUAULT, SAMUEL. Tourism mobilities and practices: are these valid criteria to delimit the continental Caribbean? Reflections from the Yucatan case. Hist. Caribe [online]. 2020, vol.15, n.37, pp.51-81.  Epub 14-Jul-2021. ISSN 0122-8803.

On a global scale, tourism mobilities have increased exponentially since World War II. The Caribbean region is one of the most attractive places. Whilst the tourist phenomenon was previously focused on the coast, for about a decade the inland areas have become touristified, as evident in the Mainland Caribbean case, particularly the accelerated tourism in the Yucatan Peninsula. This article offers a reflection on the evolution of the definitions and delimitations for the contemporary Caribbean, and considers tourism practices and mobilities as valid criteria for generating new approaches in this field.

Palavras-chave : touristification; hinterland; limit; Mexico; Caribbean.

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