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vol.35 número especialA guerra na Ucrânia: entre segurança, geopolítica energética e sanções internacionaisAs astúcias da natureza: como a defesa da Ucrânia pode acelerar o declínio da hegemonia americana índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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versão impressa ISSN 0124-4035versão On-line ISSN 2145-5112


ZELICOVICH, Julieta. International Trade in the Russo-Ukrainian War: as a Weapon and as a Victim. Desafíos [online]. 2023, vol.35, n.spe, e4.  Epub 21-Mar-2024. ISSN 0124-4035.

This article analyzes the effects of the war in Ukraine on the international trade system, one year after the invasion began. After a theoretical review of the link between war and trade, the article synthesizes studies on the quantitative impacts of the war on trade and combines this with an analysis of the less studied qualitative effects. The article examines how trade has been used as an instrument of power in the context of the war in Ukraine and whether the war has caused changes in the mechanisms of international trade governance. It uses a qualitative design, applying content analysis techniques to a large corpus of documents. The findings demonstrate how trade has played an instrumental role in the controversy (as a weapon) and how it reflects the tensions of the international political system in the context of the war (as a victim).

Palavras-chave : International conflict; international trade; trade policy; economic sanction; international governance; Russia; Ukraine.

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