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Revista Colombiana de Psicología

versão impressa ISSN 0121-5469


PEREIRA GONCALVES, ANDRÉ; MAGAROTO MACHADO, GISELE; PIANOWSKI, GISELLE  e  DE FRANCISCO CARVALHO, LUCAS. Using Pathological Traits for the Assessment of Suicide Risk: A Suicide Indicator Proposal for the Dimensional Clinical Personality Inventory 2. Rev. colomb. psicol. [online]. 2022, vol.31, n.1, pp.65-76.  Epub 06-Jun-2022. ISSN 0121-5469.

This study aimed to investigate the discriminative capacity of IDCP-2 factors to identify people with suicide risk. Moreover, we are providing a suicide indicator for IDCP-2. Participated 346 people aged between 18 and 72 years who responded to ASIQ, IDCP-2, and PID-5. We divided participants into three groups: low-risk group, moderate-risk, and high-risk group. We conducted mean comparisons, linear regression analysis, and ROC curve verification. The IDCP-2 factors were able to discriminate between the groups, with the high-risk presenting the highest means. The regression indicated Self-devaluation and Hopelessness as variables with a significant single contribution in explaining suicidal behavior. Suicide risk indicators demonstrated adequate performance in identifying people according to the risk group. Our findings indicate that the IDCP-2 factors can discriminate groups of people according to suicidal behavior. Besides, the suicide indicator developed showed sensitivity in the identification of people who reported attempted suicide.

Palavras-chave : borderline traits; clinical practice; mental health; validity evidence.

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