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Print version ISSN 0012-7353On-line version ISSN 2346-2183
ZAPATA, CARLOS M. and LEZCANO, LUIS ALFONSO. CHARACTERIZATION OF GOAL DIAGRAM VERBS. Dyna rev.fac.nac.minas [online]. 2009, vol.76, n.158, pp.219-228. ISSN 0012-7353.
Goal diagram has been used for a variety of purposes. First, it links stakeholder requirements and expectations to the organizational goals. Second, it establishes actor responsibilities. Third, it permits to explain the importance of the future software to the stakeholders. There are several works in goal diagram specification or use, and they exhibit some problems: goal diagram is commonly made by analysts in a subjective manner (objectives are identified from stakeholder information), objectives are often confused with operations, some works use a small sets of verbs, and sometimes objectives are obtained from scenarios (as a contrast, scenarios are obtained in a more advanced phase of software life cycle than objectives). We made, in this paper, the characterization of goal verbs from the so-called Lexical Conceptual Structures, the thematic roles, and a special linguistic classification of verbs. This process serves as a starting point for automatic obtaining of goal diagram. Furthermore, we implement an algorithm for extracting goal verbs from a computational lexicon.
Keywords : Requirements capture; goal diagram; goal verbs; lexical conceptual structures; thematic roles; computational lexicon.