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Revista Colombiana de Psiquiatría

Print version ISSN 0034-7450


FORERO ARIZA, Laura Marcela; AVENDANO DURAN, Mónica Cristina; DUARTE CUBILLOS, Zuly Janeth  and  CAMPO-ARIAS, Adalberto. Consistencia interna y análisis de factores de la escala APGAR para evaluar el funcionamiento familiar en estudiantes de básica secundaria. rev.colomb.psiquiatr. [online]. 2006, vol.35, n.1, pp.23-29. ISSN 0034-7450.

Background: There are several scales available to evaluate family functioning. However, in Colombia, the basic psychometric properties of these tools among adolescent students are unknown. Objective: To evaluate of the internal consistency and the factors of the family APGAR scale in adolescent students attending a school in Bucaramanga, Colombia. Method: The study was conducted in a non-probabilistic sample of 91 students who filled out the family APGAR scale. This is a five-item Likert type scale. Internal consistency and the number of factors were established. Results: Internal consistency measured with Cronbach’ s alpha test was 0.793. The factorial analysis isolated only one factor that it explained 55.6% of the variance. Conclusion: The family APGAR scale has a good internal consistency and it is composed of a unique factor.

Keywords : Validation studies; factor analyses; adolescent; students.

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