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Revista de la Facultad de Medicina

Print version ISSN 0120-0011


GUARIN-CORREDOR, Claribeth; QUIROGA-SANTAMARIA, Paola  and  LANDINEZ-PARRA, Nancy Stella. Proceso de Cicatrización de heridas de piel, campos endógenos y su relación con las heridas crónicas. [online]. 2013, vol.61, n.4, pp.441-448. ISSN 0120-0011.

Background. The skin wound healing is a highly complex process that can recover tissue integrity allowing regeneration and restoring its functions. Objective. To review literature about normal healing processes and altered. Materials and methods. Research of articles in different databases, which was based on the titles of medical terms (Medical Subject Headings) MESH, with the use of the terms "Wound Healing", "Pressure Ulcer" and the subheader "Electrical Physiology", "Electric Stimulation" and "Skin". Results. The alter of intrinsic or extrinsic factors can lead to chronic wounds, as is evidenced in changes of the skin bioelectrical behavior and its dielectric properties. Activation of cell migration and wound healing this by generating an electrical stimulus exogenous, it's possible in presence of alterated endogenous fields. Conclusion. The healing process depends on many extrinsic and intrinsic factors, which are easily alterable. For this, it's essential to fully understand the behavior of the skin to injury and what the mechanisms are altered when it establishes a chronic injury.

Keywords : Wound Healing; Pressure Ulcer; Electrophysiology; Electric Stimulation; Skin.

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