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Revista de la Facultad de Medicina

Print version ISSN 0120-0011


PEREA-SASIAIN, José  and  HANFLING SCHWARTZ, Roberta. Diets, food and Idiopathic Parkinson´s disease. [online]. 2014, vol.62, n.1, pp.141-147. ISSN 0120-0011.

Based on two individual cases, this is a personal depict on knowledge of Idiopathic Parkinson´s Disease (IPD) etiopathogeny emphasizing diets, food and edible substances tested and reported. In the first case (adherence to an almost vegan diet, with one seventh of the protein supplied from animal origin), had an impressive beneficial effect on his fifteen years clinical course, while in the second case (continuation of a quasi ovo-lacto-vegetarian diet), did not modify substantially the clinical course. The relevance of diet on IPD focused in redistribution of protein daily intake when levodopa prescribed. Diet by itself is fundamental for the management of each individual person prone to or suffering from IPD. Vegan diets with pulses rich in protein duly balanced with cereals and supplemented with vitamin B12, reduce the intake of methionine and keep the amount of aromatic amino acids at a moderate level.

Keywords : Parkinson Disease; Diet; Vegetarian; Diseases Prevention; Methionine.

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