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vol.62 suppl.1A social approach to food, nutrition and aging from an analysis of rightsThe role of research in an observatory of food and nutrition security. Experience in the territory of Caldas, Colombia author indexsubject indexarticles search
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Revista de la Facultad de Medicina

Print version ISSN 0120-0011


ANGULO-MUNOZ, Raúl Alberto. Qualitative approaches to studying obesity provide a fresh contribution towards understanding human nutrition. [online]. 2014, vol.62, suppl.1, pp.81-88. ISSN 0120-0011.

It has been epidemiologically and clinically demonstrated that obesity constitutes a main public health problem worldwide. This paper poses the need for assuming the qualitative characteristics necessary for a complete perspective regarding the psychological, social and cultural dimensions of such complex phenomenon within a framework of interdisciplinary healthcare and nutritional studies. Including qualitative approaches when studying human nutrition and food specifically focuses on the growing problem of obesity and being overweight and emphasises the need to move towards understanding human obesity from a contextual approach and recognising the specific experience of the obese. It has been assumed that qualitative studies will provide a fresh approach to social and cultural elements, thereby increasing understanding obesity from a medicine-based approach and making a significant contribution to problem characterisation and designing and introducing action aimed at its resolution which has been based on interdisciplinary dialogue and the rigorous and creative use of qualitative approaches' methodologies and techniques.

Keywords : Obesity; Overweight; Qualitative Analysis; Nutrition; Dietetics.

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