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Colombia Forestal

Print version ISSN 0120-0739


HERNANDEZ-RAMOS, Jonathan et al. Total volume and ratio equations to estimate the commercial volume of Swietenia macrophylla King. Colomb. for. [online]. 2018, vol.21, n.1, pp.34-46. ISSN 0120-0739.

Reliable estimates of volume are indispensable for sustainable forest management. In tropical Mexico, a tree species of major commercial interest is mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla King). Therefore, the use of up to date quantitative tools is fundamental in forest harvesting. The objective was to adjust a total volume model and to generate a commercial volume system for S. macrophylla from volume ratio models. Dasometric information from 116 trees was used to adjust two models of total volume and five of volume ratio. Considering statistics fitness and significance of their parameters, the Spurr total volume model and the volume ratio models of Van Deusen and Zepeda were selected as the best. Bias and aggregate difference show that estimates are accurate, so systems can be used reliably.

Keywords : forest harvesting; cubication; timber products; volume table..

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