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Anuario Colombiano de Historia Social y de la Cultura
Print version ISSN 0120-2456
GRUNER, CLÓVIS. A Building Designed for Punishment: the Penitentiary's Utopia in Paraná, Brazil, 19th century. Anu. colomb. hist. soc. cult. [online]. 2016, vol.43, n.1, pp.235-261. ISSN 0120-2456.
This article is intended to be an explanation of the modernization process of Brazil's legal system during the Second Kingdom starting, mainly, from the constitution and repercussions of the Empire's Criminal Code of 1830, principally, the prison system. Particularly, an analysis of the attempted creation in the Province of Paraná, southern Brazil, of the first penitentiary: an endeavor understood as being part of a broader policy to suppress crime. In speeches of the provincial authorities of the time, the problem of criminal violence was grouped together with immigration issues of the recently emancipated province, which was already showing signs of urban growth.
Keywords : penitentiary; punishment; legal illustration; crime; violence; Paraná.