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 issue76Wage Adjustment Practices and the Link between Price and Wages: Survey Evidence from Colombian FirmsRisk measurement under extreme events. An in-context methodological review author indexsubject indexarticles search
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Lecturas de Economía

Print version ISSN 0120-2596


BARON, Juan. Primeras experiencias laborales de los profesionales colombianos: probabilidad de empleo formal y salarios. Lect. Econ. [online]. 2012, n.76, pp.55-86. ISSN 0120-2596.

This paper uses unique information on the 2007 cohort of college graduates from all higher education institutions in Colombia to analyze: i) the probability of finding a job in the formal sector, and ii) the wages of those who find such a job. The findings suggest that there are sizeable differences in the probability of finding a formal job by area of knowledge and region, which can be as large as twenty percentage points. There are, however, no differences by university type and sex in the probability of finding a formal job. In addition, there exist regional and area-of-knowledge differentials in wages, as well as wage differences by gender and by type of university.

Keywords : wages; graduates; labor market; area of knowledge.

        · abstract in English | Spanish | French     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )


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