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Acta Agronómica

Print version ISSN 0120-2812


LAGOS SANTANDER, Liz Katherine; VALLEJO, Franco Alirio; LAGOS BURBANO, Tulio César  and  DUARTE ALVARADO, David Esteban. Genotypic correlations, phenotypic, environmental and path analysis in tomato tree (Cyphomandra betacea Cav. Sendt.). Acta Agron. [online]. 2013, vol.62, n.3, pp.215-222. ISSN 0120-2812.

The study different production components were evaluated and phenotypic, genetic and environmental correlations were estimated, considering nine characters related to the size and quality of tomato tree fruit (Cyphomandra betacea Cav Sendt.), also settled the direct and indirect effects of the component variables of quality on fruit weight. To effect the existing data of 81 hybrids (72 interpopulation hybrids and nine witnesses) arranged in three replications, under the Department of Nariño, Colombia were used. The results indicated that genotypic correlations were higher than phenotypic and environmental. The fruit weight (PF) presented the highest genetic correlations with seed weight per fruit (rG = 0.97) and with more seed pulp weight ( rG = 0.92 ) . Path analysis based on genotypic correlations showed that more seed pulp weight was the variable that had the most direct effect on the PF (1.353). This shows that a selection of the fruit weight results in an increase in weight of pulp more seed. Given the phenotypic correlations, this analysis established that the direct effects of seed weight of fruit (PSF) and more seed pulp weight (P + S ) (1.166 and 0.743 , respectively ) are the largest contributors to PF.

Keywords : Cyphomandra betacea; environmental correlation; genetic correlation; phenotypic correlation; path analysis.

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