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Revista de la Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y de Zootecnia

Print version ISSN 0120-2952


COLLAZOS-LASSO, L. F. et al. Establishment of biofloc at three carbon/nitrogen ratios, tending to the production of zooplankton. Rev. Med. Vet. Zoot. [online]. 2022, vol.69, n.3, pp.281-298.  Epub Jan 12, 2023. ISSN 0120-2952.

The objective of this research was to establish the biofloc at three carbon/nitrogen (C/N) relationships: 10/1, 15/1 and 20/1, determining the N removal sequence, the solids profile and the characterization of the zooplankton, for this purpose three tanks with a volume of 7000 L were available, incorporating oxygen into the water through a blower-type aerator. It was used as a source of balanced N, a source of carbon molasses and sodium bicarbonate as an alkalizing source. At the beginning, the total ammoniacal nitrogen NAT was increased to 2 mg/L, the total alkalinity (AT) to 120 mg/L and 10 liters / tank of water from a culture pond was added as inoculum, on the sixth and tenth days it was he added balanced, theoretically increasing the NAT by 4 mg/L and from day 12 by 1 mg/L. In the three C / N relationships, nitrification processes were evidenced during the stabilization of the biofloc, until reaching non-lethal concentrations of ammonium and nitrite for fish, less than 1 mg/L in time. Regarding volatile solids, a higher concentration was found in the 20/1 ratio, which can be attributed to the greater addition of molasses, with the consequent production of SSV from the dominance of heterotrophic communities, in the three macrocosms there were Zooplankton communities, however, T2 presented the highest abundance and richness of organisms. The three C / N relationships in biofloc established conditions of water quality and live food.

Keywords : biofloc; solids; establishment; zooplankton; ammonium.

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