Based on its recently defined greater purpose, that is, "Integrating caregivers watching over their excellence and professional development so that healthcare becomes a safe, caring and humanized pathway" the Colombian Society of Anesthesiology and Resuscitation (S.C.A.R.E.) has been devising a number of actions intended to "generate value" for its membership and stakeholders in general.
Thus, the Colombian Journal of Anesthesiology (CJA), as a key academic component of the organizational dynamics, wants to stand up to this challenge, considering value creation as an essential strategy. The concept of Shared value is driven by renowned leaders in the area of business development and growth and has been approached by authors such as Michael Porter, a Harvard University professor and author of several books on this subject and Mark R. Kramer, cofounder and general director of Foundation Strategy Group.1,2 This concept is defined as the operational policies and practices that improve the competitiveness of a company, as well as the economic and social conditions of the communities it serves. According to Porter, there are 3 key approaches for companies to create shared value: by reconceiving products and markets, redefining productivity in the value chain, and building supportive industry clusters at the company's locations.
The editorial management of the journal has decided to pursue these 3 strategies; we shall consider new sources of potential authors in order to have a closer relationship with both the authors and peer reviewers. Our goal is to provide readers and users a high-quality end product that significantly contributes to their excellence and professional development. Along these lines, we shall be constantly redefining the journal in accordance with the needs of its readers, the environmental trends, the demands and challenges of the current scientific ecosystem, maintaining the High-Quality accreditation standard granted to us by the Instituto Colombiano de Normas Técnicas (Colombian Institute of Technical Standards) with the ISO 9001 certification in 2015.
This is the right time to embrace change and to implement actions so that authors and readers may experience tangible benefits.
We are starting a new era of the CJA with the introduction of the new Editor-in-Chief, Dr José Andrés Calvache España, anesthesiologist from Universidad del Cauca and professor at that same institution. Dr Calvache has a recognized academic and research performance that has served the community and the country for many years. In 2018 S.C.A.R.E., on the occasion of the Journal's 45th anniversary, acknowledge him as the author with the largest number of articles published in the Journal. His academic training and his recently completed PhD, make him an excellent heir to lead this change. He receives the baton from Dr Javier Eslava Schmalbach, who for several years was the chief editor of the Journal and managed to position it at a high international level, currently with 14 indexations, including Scopus, Publindex, ScienceDirect, Embase, Ovid and SciELO, and high readership ratings in over 197 countries.
The new editor-in-chief will be implementing some actions in order to continue to move forward along the difficult pathway of publishing open access scientific journals written in Spanish, from countries in which there is little research support from the government or the private sector and where research is considered almost insignificant for medical practice.
All of these interventions are based on the needs identified and framed within certain strategies such as defining the focus for action, supporting the editorial process and resource optimization.
These are some of the proposed actions:
Improve the information provided in the instructions for authors in the platform, with a view to facilitating the process, in addition to adopting the guidelines proposed by the Equator Network (Enhancing the Quality and Transparency Of Health Research) for research reports, as a tool to be used by the authors when submitting their manuscripts. The adoption of this tool will also favor the peer review process since it will provide a framework defined by the international community to assess the completeness of the document.
Provide assistance to authors through a group of associate editors in order to generate feedback for improving the manuscripts that represent a significant and relevant research process but are weak in terms of presenting the results or the final document. A team of bio-statistical editors will also be available to contribute in this area which needs to be strengthened in the publications.
Implement methodologies for sharing the documents, encouraging the authors to use the various channels of dissemination of information so that they become active participants in the dissemination process, under the guidance of the editorial team.
Include in the final layout of the article a highlighted box that briefly summarizes the key and novel messages reported. This will enable the reader to reinforce the message in the text and facilitate learning and comprehension.
Present a graphical abstract of certain articles so that through computer graphics the reader may be able to grasp the most relevant points in the article.
Share in the Journal's platform the number of visits for each article.
Continue with the indexation processes, starting with databases such as Dialnet, Directory of Open Access Journals and Ulrich's Periodical Directory for the short term, and then Medline and PubMed Central for the medium term.
Participate at academic events, particularly in Latin America, to motivate the researchers in the region to publish the results of their research work in the CJA, stressing the Journal's relevant position among the publications in this area of specialization and its high standing in the continent.
Participate at the 33rd Colombian Congress of Anesthesiology and Resuscitation with workshops on scientific writing and a permanent stand to provide the participants firsthand information about the Journal's achievements.
Retrieving the articles published in all the issues of the Journal from its inception, in order to make them accessible to all readers interested in such valuable material.
To approach other national and international publications so that using benchmarking strategies, good editorial practices may be studied and replicated as part of the Journal's improvement plans.
Generating strategic partnerships with other editorial leaders and researchers to undertake joint research projects to improve scientific production in our country.
Continue searching for relevant international authors who are outstanding in the scientific and clinical practice in our specialty and related areas, in order to invite them to consider the Journal as a potential source to disseminate and give visibility to their production.
This approach also requires our authors to take powerful and long strides. It is important to raise the scientific quality of the articles to offer readers current information that is frequently referenced in new research and publications that have a strong impact on improving their professional practice. It is essential for the academic community in the country and in Latin America as a whole, to actively get involved in research projects and in generating knowledge applicable to our area of interest.
In this regard, case reports, although these are the most frequent manuscripts submitted through the platform, have low citation rates. Their clinical importance is high and hence they continue to be part of the Journal, but the selection process is more stringent and restrictive. The invitation to the academic community is to take a step forward in the scientific processes of generating knowledge and submit other types of relevant articles such as articles for reflection, special images, academia briefs, inter alia.
We hope that our authors, readers, and academia peers experience this new era as an opportunity to connect with the greater purpose devised by S.C.A.R.E.
Dear readers, let me extend an invitation to support the editor in standing up to this difficult challenge, that he willingly accepts, making his knowledge and experience available to the academic community.
Each one and all of us have a role to play; let’s play on the same side, striving to pave the way for a safe, caring, and humanized healthcare.