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Colombian Journal of Anestesiology

Print version ISSN 0120-3347On-line version ISSN 2256-2087

Rev. colomb. anestesiol. vol.49 no.3 Bogotá July/Sept. 2021  Epub June 10, 2021


Questions and answers

Questions and answers

Fernando Raffán-Sanabriaa  b  c  * 

a Anesthesiologist intensivist, Hospital Universitario Fundación Santa Fe de Bogotá. Bogotá, Colombia.

b Professor, Universidad El Bosque. Bogotá, Colombia.

c Professor, Universidad de los Andes. Bogotá, Colombia.

1. In which country did the first epidemic caused by the avian flu virus, known as severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) emerged? 1

  1. Singapore.

  2. Continental China.

  3. Japan.

  4. Mexico.

2. The publication entitled: Assessment of changes in the electrical activity of the brain during general anesthesia with propofol using portable EEG, by Gaviria García V, Loaiza López D, Serna Rojas C, et al, reported that 2:

  1. The signal obtained with frontal electrodes, particularly a rhythm, allowed for making a distinction between resting with closed and opened eyes during a conscious state and during a state of maintenance of anesthesia during surgery.

  2. It is possible to differentiate between a resting state and a state of maintenance of anesthesia, replicating previous findings from conventional technologies.

  3. With the patient anesthetized, 95 % of the waves present are (3 and y rhythms, and the power is significantly reduced in A, 0 and a rhythms.

  4. Only a and b are true.

3. Observational trials have become an alternative to clinical experimentation in various settings. With regards to the matching methods used: 3

  1. Propensity score matching (PSM) is one of the preferred tools to control for confounding variables.

  2. PSM is one of the causal inference techniques.

  3. Propensity score matching is intended to balance the baseline characteristics of the groups to be compared.

  4. All of the above are true.

4. With regards to airway assessment in pediatric patients, after what age is Mallampati's classification considered to be valid? 4

  1. 5 years.

  2. 9 years.

  3. 12 years.

  4. 15 years.

5. The Vortex protocol for pediatric airway management, described by Chrisme N. is based on a funnel visual template with the top as the start of the airway management with three of the four "lifelines" alternating according to each case. The fourth line is: 4

  1. Access through the neck.

  2. Endotracheal intubation.

  3. Fibrobronchoscope.

  4. Supraglottic device.

6. Considering the ideal weight as the closest to a body weight associated with a good health status, which of the following variables have been considered to calculate the ideal weight? 5

  1. Height.

  2. Body weight.

  3. Sex.

  4. All of the above.

7. With regards to the radiological images indicated to assess a foreign body in pediatrics, is it true that: 6

  1. The typical indirect signs are usually: emphysema, atelectasis, pneumothorax.

  2. Air entrapment is the least frequent radiographic finding.

  3. The sensitivity and specificity of chest x-rays decrease 24 h after the episode.

  4. The sensitivity and specificity of AP and lateral cervical radiographs and chest x-rays are approximately 82 % and 92 %, respectively.

8. Neuropathic pain has been defined as pain caused by an injury or disease affecting the somatosensory system. In cancer patients, this form of pain is experienced in approximately: 7

  1. 10 %.

  2. 20 %.

  3. 40 %.

  4. 60 %.

9. Neuropathic pain (NP) is a complex process involving maladaptive mechanisms and neuroplastic changes in response to a peripheral nervous system (PNS) injury. With regards to NP, which of the following statements is false? 7

  1. Ectopic discharges produce changes in the peripheral nervous system (PNS) and in the central nervous system (CNS).

  2. These changes account for a phenomenon of allodynia, in which a relatively harmless stimulus triggers disproportionate pain.

  3. Bone marrow stimulation (BMS) has been suggested as an effective technique - part of the therapeutic armamentarium - for cancer-associated neuropathic pain.

  4. Ectopic discharges generate changes just in the PNS, which are comprised in the concept of peripheral sensitization and central inhibition.

10. Which of the following respiratory changes is strongly associated with the use of cannabis products: 8

  1. Chronic bronchitis.

  2. Asthma.

  3. Lung cancer.

  4. Head and neck cancer.


1. Calabrese G. The current COVID-19 Pandemic legacy for Latin American anesthesiologists. Colombian Journal of Anesthesiology. 2021;49:e960. doi: [ Links ]

2. Gaviria García V, Loaiza López D, Serna Rojas C, Ríos Arismendy S, Montoya Guevara E, Mora Lesmes JD, et al. Assessment of change-sin the electrical activity of the brain during general anesthesia using portable electroencephalography. Colombian Journal of Anesthesiology . 2021;49:e956. doi: [ Links ]

3. Oliveros Rodríguez H, Buitrago G, Castellano Saavedra P. Use of matching methods in observational studies with critical patients and renal outcomes. Scoping review. Colombian Journal of Anesthesiology . 2021;49:e944. doi: [ Links ]

4. Rivera-Tocancipá D. Pediatric airway: What is new in approaches and treatments? Colombian Journal of Anesthesiology . 2021;49:e945. doi: [ Links ]

5. Payán Salcedo HA, Estela Zape JL, Wilches-Luna EC. Equations for calculating ideal body weight in patients on mechanical ventilation in adult intensive care units in Latin America: exploratory review. Colombian Journal of Anesthesiology .2021;49:e949. doi: [ Links ]

6. Morais I, Sousa I, Terra C, Martins A, Pereira T, Costa V. Diagnostic challenges in paediatric foreign body aspiration: a case report. Colombian Journal of Anesthesiology . 2021;49:e919. doi: [ Links ]

7. Quintero-Carreño V, Molina BM, Rodríguez-Martínez CH. Spinal cord stimulation in the management of neuropathic pain in cancer patients: case report. Colombian Journal of Anesthesiology . 2021;49:e934. doi: [ Links ]

8. Cubillos Sánchez PA. Cannabis for medical and scientific purposes: the Colombian landscape. Colombian Journal of Anesthesiology . 2021;49:e954. doi: [ Links ]

How to reference this article: Raffán-Sanabria F. Questions and answers. Colombian Journal of Anesthesiology. 2021;49:e983.

Received: January 20, 2021; Accepted: March 03, 2021; other: April 08, 2021

Correspondence: Sociedad Colombiana de Anestesiología y Reanimación (S.C.A.R.E.). Carrera 15A # 120-74. Bogotá, Colombia.




  1. a.

  2. d.

  3. d.

  4. a.

  5. a.

  6. d.

  7. a.

  8. b.

  9. d.

  10. a.



  1. a.

  2. d.

  3. d.

  4. a.

  5. a.

  6. d.

  7. a.

  8. b.

  9. d.

  10. a.

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