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Colombian Journal of Anestesiology

Print version ISSN 0120-3347On-line version ISSN 2256-2087

Rev. colomb. anestesiol. vol.50 no.4 Bogotá Oct./Dec. 2022  Epub Oct 12, 2022 

Original article

The Surgical Safety Checklist from the resident's perspective. Observational study

Carlos Andrés Galeano Castañedaa

Jessica Valentina Hoyos Redondoa

Juan Camilo Gómez Salgadoa  * 

a Department of Surgery, School of Health Sciences, Universidad de Caldas. Manizales, Colombia.



The Surgical Safety Checklist implemented by the World Health Organization has proven to decrease perioperative morbidity and mortality; however, the barriers and limitations to its implementation are consistently reported in the literature.


To establish the level of appropriation of the surgical safety checklist in the training of human resources in anesthesiology, in addition to identifying the perception and the level of implementation of such checklist at the national scale.


Descriptive cross-sectional study conducted through a survey administered to the residents of anesthesiology in Colombia. Likert-type questions were included, distributed into three domains: appropriation, perception and implementation.


215 answers corresponding to 54.5 % of the population were analyzed, comprising participants from all of the anesthesiology programs in the country. 20% of the residents have never been subject to formal academic reviews about checklists, and this trend did not change throughout the residency; 97.2 % considers that the implementation of the lists improves the safety of surgical procedures and 40 % have seen rejection or indifference by surgeons. 80.5 % of the residents have seen the frequent use of the checklist, while only 13.5% have seen the use of the checklist during the three surgical moments - before the induction of anesthesia, before the surgical incision, and before the patient leaves the operating room 88 % have observed that the form is completed without actually doing the verification.


There is limited exposure to education about the surgical safety checklist in anesthesiology postgraduate programs in the country. The residents have a favorable perception about the value of the list, however, there are some shortcomings in its administration.

Keywords: Perioperative period; Patient safety; Health; Culture; Checklist; Internship and residence; Anesthesiology



La lista de verificación de cirugía segura implementada por la Organización Mundial de la Salud ha demostrado disminuir la morbimortalidad perioperatoria; no obstante, en la literatura se reportan de manera sistemática las barreras y limitaciones en su aplicación.


Establecer el grado de apropiación de la lista de verificación de cirugía segura en la formación del talento humano en anestesiología en entrenamiento, así como determinar la percepción y el nivel de implementación de dicha lista a escala nacional.


Estudio descriptivo de corte transversal realizado mediante una encuesta a los residentes de anestesiología en Colombia. Se incluyeron preguntas tipo Likert distribuidas en 3 dominios: apropiación, percepción e implementación.


Se analizaron 215 respuestas correspondiente a un 54,5 % de la población y se contó con la participación de todos los programas de anestesiología del país. El 20 % de los residentes nunca ha tenido revisiones académicas formales sobre listas de verificación y esta tendencia no se modificó a lo largo de la residencia, el 97,2 % considera que la implementación de las listas incrementa la seguridad de los procedimientos quirúrgicos y el 40 % ha observado rechazo o indiferencia por parte de los cirujanos. El 80,5 % de los residentes ha observado su aplicación frecuente, solo el 13,5 % ha observado aplicar la lista en los tres momentos (antes de la inducción anestésica, antes de la incisión quirúrgica, antes de la salida del paciente del quirófano) y el 88 % ha observado diligenciar el formato sin realizar la verificación.


Existe poca exposición a la enseñanza de la lista de verificación de cirugía segura en los posgrados de anestesiología del país. Los residentes tienen una percepción favorable sobre la utilidad de la lista; sin embargo, su implementación tiene falencias en cuanto a la forma de aplicación.

Palabras clave: Periodo perioperatorio; Seguridad del paciente; Salud; Cultura; Lista de verificación; Internado y residencia; Anestesiología

What do we know about this topic?

  • Patient safety education translates into less perioperative adverse events.

  • There are multiple barriers to the administration of the surgical checklist.

  • Conveying a culture of safety among trainees has a positive impact on the adoption of safe practices during their professional life.

What does this study contribute with?

  • There is a limited exposure to education about the surgical safety checklist during the anesthesiology postgraduate programs in the country.

  • Residents have a favorable perception about the value of the surgical safety checklist.


Major complications have been recorded in 3 - 17% of patients undergoing surgery that require hospital admission in high income countries, with mortality or permanent disability rates ranging from 0.4 % to 0.8 %. This has led to the worldwide implementation of the campaign "safe surgery saves lives". 1 The World Health Organization (WHO) summarized the basic safety standards that should be followed in the operating room when conducting a procedure, in order to ensure patient safety. 2 This initiative was adopted in Colombia within the framework of the 28th Colombian Congress of Anesthesiology in 2009. 3

The correct use of the surgical safety checklist (SSC) promotes a culture of safety among the entire surgical team. It is extremely important to involve the anesthesiology trainees since they will be the future leaders in patient safety. It has been shown that exposure to a perioperative safety culture from early stages in academic training is effective and persists for up to 15 years after the completion of the residency. 4 Consequently, it is indispensable to learn about the appropriation, perception and implementation from the perspective of the anesthesiology residents.

During the implementation of the checklist, the literature shows the significant benefits in terms of decreased mortality. 5,6 Haynes et al. 7 found that after administering the SSC in hospitals in different cities around the world, the mortality rate dropped from 1.5 % to 0.8 %. A study in Colombia reports an adherence above 90 % with most of the items in the SSC, in addition to a reduction in the number of adverse events since the list has been implemented (from 7.26 % to 3.29 %) 8. A second study found that the SSC was completed in 75.5 % of the surgical cases assessed. 9

Consequently, the purpose of this study was to establish the level of appropriation of the SSC in the training of anesthesiologists in Colombia, and to identify the perception and the level of implementation of such list at the national scale.


A survey-type observational, descriptive study was designed with approval of the ethics committee of the Universidad de Caldas. Each participant signed the informed consent.

Anesthesia residents of all the medical schools endorsed by the National Ministry of Education were included. Residents from other medical-surgical specialties, undergraduate medical students, and other healthcare-related professions, as well as anesthesiology residents studying abroad were all excluded.

The researchers designed a digital survey based on the key findings described in the literature with regards to the limitations for the implementation of the SSC. The survey was reviewed and a pilot test was used to assess its performance. The questions were classified into three major domains: appropriation, perception and implementation. The survey was distributed via email and via the personal mobile phone of each of the national residents. The survey was available online through the platform from March 4 through March 18, 2021. The data were collected in a platform-generated database.


The summary of the continuous data was based on medians and interquartile ranges. The answers to the Likert-type questions were analyzed using frequency distribution tables. The information was analyzed using the Stata software version 16.1 in an exploratory approach.


From a total number of 394 residents of anesthesiology in the country, 231 answers were collected. After screening the database, 215 valid answers were included for analysis, which corresponded to 54.6% of the total population. The mean age was 28 years with an interquartile range of 27 to 31 years. The other socio-demographic characteristics of the population are shown in Table 1; all the anesthesiology programs in the country participated in variable proportions (Figure 1).

Table 1 Socio-demographic variables of the participating residents. 

Socio-demographic variables n %
Gender Male 93 43.2
Female 122 56.8
Level of residence First year 55 25.6
Secondyear 76 35.3
Third year 72 33.5
Fourth year 12 5.6
Age Average 29.2 years (SD 0.24)
Median 28 years
Interquartile range 27-31 years

SD: Standard deviation.

Source: Authors.

CES: Corporación de Estudios para la Salud; FUCS: Fundación Universitaria de Ciencias de la Salud; UIS: Universidad Industrial de Santander; UNAB: Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga; UPB: Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana. Source: Authors.

Figure 1 Participating universities. 

Appropriation of the SSC

39.1 % of the residents said that they had never or almost never been exposed to any formal training on the SSC and the frequency of reviews does not change as they move forward in their residence year (Table 2 and Figure 2).

Table 2 Appropriation. 

Appropriation Frequency n %
Formal academic reviews Never 43 20
Almost never 41 19.1
Occasionally 61 28.4
Frequently 37 17.2
Very frequently 33 15.3
Total 215 100
The most important moment of the SSC based on the academic reviews Has not had any reviews 50 23.2
Before the induction of anesthesia 90 41.9
Before the surgical incision 12 5.6
Before leaving the operating room 0 0
At the three moments 63 29.3
Total 215 100
Knowledge about the impact on mortality gained from academic reviews Has not had any reviews 51 23.7
Does not remember 39 18.1
Has no impact on mortality 3 1.4
Low mortality impact 4 1.9
Average mortality impact 23 10.7
High mortality impact 95 44.2
Total 215 100

Source: Authors.

Source: Authors.

Figure 2 Frequency of formal reviews on SSC based on level of residency. 


97.2 % of the residents considered that the use of the SSC improves the safety of surgical procedures and helps to develop a culture of safety among the team. With regards to the attitude of the anesthesiologists when administering the checklist, 88.3 % perceived a moderate to high acceptance and when asked about the attitude of surgeons, 60 % of the residents felt they had a similar attitude (Table 3).

Table 3 Perception. 

Perception n %
I mproved safety of surgical procedures Disagrees 2 0.9
Partially agrees 4 1.9
Totally agrees 209 97.2
Total 215 100
Improved surgical team communication Deteriorates communication 0 0
Has no impact on communication 3 1.4
Partially agrees 13 6.1
Totally agrees 199 92.5
Total 215 100
Improved safety culture Deteriorates the safety culture 0 0
Has no impact on safety culture 1 0.5
Partially agrees 5 2.3
Totally agrees 209 97.2
Total 215 100
Delays the start of the procedure Disagrees 179 83.3
Partially agrees 30 13.9
Totally agrees 6 2.8
Total 215 100
Easy to administer Yes 210 97.7
No 5 2.3
Total 215 100
If you ever undergo surgery, would like the SSC to be used? Yes 215 100
No 0 0
Total 215 100
Has any significant oversight been prevented with the use of the SSC? Yes 183 45.1
No 32 14.9
Total 215 100
Length of the SSC Too short 0 0
Short 4 1.9
Adequate 173 80.5
Long 36 16.7
Too long 2 0.9
Total 215 100
Dispense with any moment None 156 72.5
Before the induction of anesthesia 3 1.4
Before the surgical incision 24 11.2
Before leaving the operating room 24 11.2
All 8 3.7
Total 215 100
Acceptance by anesthesiologists Rejection 1 0.5
Indifferent 10 4.7
Low acceptance 14 6.5
Moderate acceptance 71 33.0
High acceptance 119 55.3
Total 215 100
Acceptance by surgeons Rejection 5 2.3
Indiferente 22 10,2
Baja aceptación 59 27,5
Moderada aceptación 71 33,0
Alta aceptación 58 27,0
Total 215 100

Source: Authors.


80.5 % of the residents noticed that the SSC is competed always or almost always.

When inquiring about the presence of the full team at the time of administering the SSC, 40 % said the team was always complete and 88 % of the residents have observed that the form is completed without a proper verification. 40 % has evidenced this behavior always or almost always (Table 4).

Table 4 Implementation. 

Implementation n %
Who administers the SSC? Anesthesiologist 129 60
Licensed practical nurse 127 59.1
Anesthesiology resident 80 37.2
Scrub nurse 69 31.2
Surgeon 57 26.5
Head nurse 46 21.4
Surgical resident 27 12.6
Have you seen the SSC being implemented? How frequently? Never 0 0
Almost never 9 4.2
Some times 33 15.3
Almost always 80 37.2
Always 93 43.3
Total 215 100
At which moment is the SSC more often administered? None 0 0
Preinduction of anesthesia 159 74
Pre-surgical incision 25 11.6
Before leaving the operating room 1 0.5
All 30 13.9
Total 215 100
How rigorous is the administration of the SSC? Very low 2 1
Low 6 2.8
Medium 65 30.2
High 114 53.0
Very high 28 13.0
Total 215 100
The surgical team in full is present Never 1 0.5
Some times 12 5.5
Fifty percent of the times 26 12.1
Most of the time 90 41.9
Always 86 40.0
Total 215 100
Have you seen that the SSC form is completed without a rigorous verification? Never 26 12
Very rarely 53 24.7
Some times 50 23.3
Almost always 46 21.4
Always 40 18.8
Total 215 100
Have you seen the use of technology tools? Never 90 41.9
Very rarely 68 31.6
Some times 30 13.9
Almost always 15 7.0
Always 12 5.6
Total 215 100

Source: Authors.


Patient safety associated with the perioperative environment is an ongoing concern and ideally should be mandatory. Enhancing patient safety has been shown to decrease the number of adverse events, improve patient safety and raise the level of satisfaction and confidence of the surgical team to conduct the procedures, particularly when these procedures are not frequently conducted. 10

Patient safety education at the academic institutions responsible for training healthcare human resources is not given the importance it deserves. 11 In this study, 20 % of the residents said they have never been exposed to a formal review on surgical safety checklists, while 80 % said they did, though with varying levels of frequency. This is in contrast with the results of the Accreditation Council for Medical Graduate Education in the United States, in a study conducted between September 2012 and March 2015, which interviewed 297 institutions comprising 8,755 residents and fellows of all the clinical and surgical specialties. This study showed that 96.8 % of the residents had received formal education on patient safety via group discussions and virtual sessions with questions. 4 Additionally, the study found that the primary center where learning takes place has a lasting impact on the professional behavior and conduct of the graduated residents for up to 15 years; therefore, it is important that the institutions that admit residents be even more diligent in the implementation of surgical safety checklists and in their patient safety policy. 4

Patient safety education is considered a "non-major" subject in the curriculum and skills development plan of the anesthesiology program in Colombia, published by the Colombian Society of Anesthesiology and Resuscitation (S.C.A.R.E.) in 2016 12. In this program, the subjects or topics are classified into two domains: "inclusion recommended" and "discussion"; such classification is based on surveys administered to anesthesiologists and by comparisons against universities abroad. The closest subject description in this classification is "safety and anesthesia", which belongs to the discussion domain and is not considered "mandatory" in the anesthesiology curriculum. This situation is most concerning since in the "inclusion recommended" domain there are subjects or situations to which anesthesiologists will be very seldom exposed to, while patient safety and the surgical safety checklist are part of the daily practice of any anesthesiologist. 12

No information has been found on patient safety among postgraduate students at the national level; in contrast, there are review articles and a systematic review of patient safety involving undergraduate students. A significant involvement of nursing programs in patient safety is to be noted. 13 These documents emphasize the importance of teaching patient safety to undergraduate students, since they are more likely to use the knowledge acquired and to practice a culture of safety during their professional lives. 11 It is quite surprising that 23.8 % of the anesthesiology residents feel that one of the three moments in the list could be disregarded; 3.75 % believe that all the three moments may be omitted; moreover, 20 % of them have never experienced any formal reviews on the topic, notwithstanding the evidence that these teachings - even in undergraduate programs - may prove to be effective. 14 This behavior is similar to the situation in Guatemala, where albeit the wide acceptance of the SSC, there is poor implementation and use. 15

Studies such as the one by Haynes et al. 16 suggest that the introduction of the surgical safety checklist generates a change in perception about safety of the surgical team members and this change in perception is associated with improved mortality and morbidity outcomes. In this study, the anesthesiology residents in the country felt that the SSC improves the safety of surgical procedures, enhances communication and strengthens the culture of safety of the perioperative team, with no negative impact on the timely start ofthe procedure. Moreover, their perception is that it is not difficult to use and 85 % have found that the use of the checklist has prevented the occurrence of adverse events. 100 % of the residents expressed their wish to have the SSC implemented if they were to undergo a surgical procedure, although 2.8 % of them doubt that the use of the SSC improves safety.

Russ et al. 17, in their study on barriers and facilitators for the implementation of the SSC in the United Kingdom, unveil the existence of organizational barriers to the implementation of the checklist, in addition to hurdles associated with the team involved and highlight active resistance or passive non-compliance by the surgeon or the anesthesiologist. In this regard, the study found that the attitude of the anesthesiologist tends to be empathetic vis a vis the administration of the checklist, but 40 % of the surgeons tend to reject or show poor acceptance of the checklist.

When asking the residents surveyed about any potential changes to the surgical safety checklist to which they have been exposed, most of them said they would not make any changes. However, when assessing the administration of the checklist, 74 % said that it is used during the first moment and only 13.9 % administer the checklist in full, which has proven to be most effective approach. 18 Therefore, it is yet unclear whether the institutional changes to the SSC improve its applicability or make it longer and more difficult to use and hence those who implement the checklist in their daily practice only use it for the first moment.

While 80 % of the residents expressed that the SSC are always or almost always administered, it is quite concerning that 88 % have seen that the SSC form is completed without conducting a proper timeout; hence, this highly effective tool becomes just one more document attached to the patient's medical record. Moreover, in most cases, it is mostly administered before the induction of anesthesia, and when asked about the presence of all the team members involved with the procedure, only 40 % of the residents said that the surgical team was complete at the time of the administration of the checklist. This proves that strictness if highly variable and this affects the effectiveness of the SSC. 18,19 According to our study, the principal actors responsible for the implementation of the SSC are the anesthesiologists - 60% of the cases - and the licensed practical nurse represents 59.1 %; these data are consistent with previous local studies. 9

According to Stolsky et al. 20, this behavior may be the result of the fact that the institutional changes introduced to the SSC delete the items intended to foster communication or include additional items to try to make the list more comprehensive; however, the result is a list designed to simply check boxes instead of providing an opportunity to identify potential errors. Therefore, further studies are needed to assess barriers and facilitators for the administration of the SSC.

This study may have been subject to selection biases (volunteer effect). To overcome this bias, a broad dissemination of the survey was conducted via email forwarded directly from the Office of Scientific Research of the S.C.A.R.E. Moreover, the anesthesia residents were reached by phone by the heads of the residency program and the postgraduate coordinators of each school.

In conclusion, there is little exposure to SSC education in the anesthesiology postgraduate programs in the country during the residency; a significant proportion of residents complete their career training without a clear understanding of the SSC. The anesthesiology residents in the country have a favorable perception about the value of the SSC and show a positive attitude versus its implementation, hence acknowledging and promoting its proper use.


Endorsed by the Ethics Committee

This study was approved by the Ethics Committee of Universidad de Caldas under code CBCS-090 dated November 23, 2020, in Manizales, Colombia.

Protection of persons and animals

The authors declare that no experiments in humans or animals were conducted for this research project. The authors declare that the procedures followed were consistent with the ethical standards of the responsible human experimentation committee and in accordance with the World Medical Association and the Declaration of Helsinki.

Confidentiality of the data

The authors declare that they have followed the protocols of their institutions on the publication of patient data.

Right to privacy and informed consent

The authors declare that this article does not include any patient data. The authors have obtained the informed consent of the patients and/or subjects mentioned in the article. This document is in possession of the corresponding author.


Authors' contributions

CAGC and JVHR: Study planning, data collection, interpretation of the results, initial drafting and final approval of the manuscript.

JCGS: Conception of the original project, data collection, interpretation of the results and final approval of the manuscript.


To doctor Fernando Arango Gómez, for his contribution and generous willingness to help with the statistical analysis.


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Assistance for the study Dr. Luz María Gómez, scientific deputy director of the Colombian Society of Anesthesiology and Resuscitation (S.C.A.R.E.) and Yenny Marcela Muñoz, Professional in Research and Scientific Publications of S.C.A.R.E. assisted in disseminating the survey.

Financial support and sponsorship None declared.

Conflicts of interest Support by S.C.A.R.E for the dissemination of the survey.

Presentations None declared.

How to cite this article: Galeano Castañeda CA, Hoyos Redondo JV, Gómez Salgado JC. The Surgical Safety Checklist from the resident's perspective. Observational study. Colombian Journal of Anesthesiology. 2022;50:e1029.

Received: April 08, 2021; Accepted: October 20, 2021; other: February 07, 2022

*Correspondence: Carrera 25 No. 48-57, Departamento Quirúrgico, Facultad Ciencias para la Salud, sede Versalles. Manizales, Colombia. E-mail:

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