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Print version ISSN 0120-338X
RABAGO TANORI, Álvaro and ALARCON NEVE, Luisa Josefina. TYPES OF RELATIONSHIPS EXPRESSED BY THE VERB TRAER IN CONSTRUCTIONS WITH STATIVE MEANING IN MEXICAN SPANISH. Forma funcion, Santaf, de Bogot, D.C. [online]. 2013, vol.26, n.1, pp.141-163. ISSN 0120-338X.
Abstract The verb traer, when used with a stative meaning, expresses different types of relationships between two participants. It expresses possession when traer is similar to tener (to have), in terms of control, alienation, and duration, as in trae una metralleta ("he/she has a machine gun"). It can also express affectation when it refers to the state the participants are in, that is, an object in a state that can affect the subject; for example, traía el brazo enyesado ("his/her arm was in a cast"). On the other hand, it can indicate attribution when it expresses a quality or characteristic of the object; in this case, the construction is made up of a characterized subject and an object with its attribute, as in traigo sangre coahuilense ("I have Coahuilan blood"). Thus, the article compares the uses of traer and tener in two corpora of oral Spanish in Mexico.
Keywords : possession; affectation; attribution; alienability; control.