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Revista Colombiana de Educación

Print version ISSN 0120-3916


RUIZ-BUENO, Carmen  and  GARCIA-ORRIOLS, Jordi. What Does the Learning Patterns Model Contribute to the Design of Educational Actions?. Rev. colomb. educ. [online]. 2019, n.77, pp.321-341. ISSN 0120-3916.

Nowadays societies are suffering several changes which invite to think and reflect on the educational models that are established currently to face these new realities Thus, societies need to analyse processes regarding the educational area, and not only the stages of higher education but emphasizing its basis, that is, Primary Education. In this sense, this article presents a set of training actions derived from a previous study. This study is based on the learning patterns model of Vermunt (1998) in which a total of 292 catalan students of Primary Education participated. These new lines of action are aimed at fostering reflexive, critical and self-regulated learning through cooperation among students, taking into account their individual learning processes As a result, it is necessary that schools create these types of learning contexts in order to promote more creative and consistent future citizens capable of promoting better social actions.

Keywords : training actions; self-regulation; learning patterns; childhood; cooperative learning.

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