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Revista Colombiana de Educación

Print version ISSN 0120-3916


GARCIA-BASTAN, Guido  and  TOMASINI, Marina Edith. 'They Always Look to the Back Row'. Zoning of Space and Identity Production in Secondary School. Rev. colomb. educ. [online]. 2020, n.78, pp.15-42. ISSN 0120-3916.

In this research paper, we analyze the segregation of a group of youngsters within a school year in Córdoba, Argentina, whom their classmates disparagingly named "brasas", an adjective from the local slang. The article is structured in two parts. In the first one, we explain the main theoretical references and consequent methodological decisions used to address the processes of socialization, sociability and construction of youth identities at school from a cultural and dialogic perspective. In the second part, we present our main findings. We will begin by approaching the reader to the phenomenon of the zoning of school space to reach two nodal statements. On the one hand, the relevance of such zoning as an identity device. On the other hand, how in our case study this dimension was combined with other cultural resources, contributing to stabilize the devalued identity of this group, but also allowing agency in their identity positions. Our findings suggest the need to broaden the investigative perspective to understand the school space in its imbrication with other spaces and figured worlds.

Keywords : youngsters; socialization; sociability; secondary schools; zoning; Argentina.

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