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Print version ISSN 0120-4157


CASTANO, Guillermo et al. Mental disorders and drug use in victims of the armed conflict in three cities in Colombia. Biomédica [online]. 2018, vol.38, suppl.1, pp.70-85. ISSN 0120-4157.


Violence in its different forms increases the risk of mental disorders and the use of drugs.


To assess the prevalence of mental disorders, and the use and abuse of drugs, as well as associated factors in victims of forced displacement in three cities in Colombia.

Materials and methods:

We conducted a prevalence study with 1.026 participants between 13 and 65 years old. Participants completed four surveys: the World Health Organization World Mental Composite International Diagnostic Interview, the World Health Organization Alcohol Use and Disorders Identification Test, a survey on drug use based on the Inter-American System of Uniform Drug-Use Data under the Inter-American Drug Abuse Commission of the Organization of American States, and a survey on aspects related to forced displacement. Data were analyzed using the SPSS™, version 21, software.


Lifetime prevalence of mental disorders was 17.7% for specific phobia, 16.4% for major depression, 9.9% for post-traumatic stress disorder, 8.9% for oppositional defiant disorder, 7.2% for separation anxiety disorder, 5.8% for conduct disorder, and 5.6% for attention deficit disorder. The lifetime prevalence of alcohol use was 68.7%; 31,3% for tobacco; 11,2% for marihuana; 3.5% for cocaine; 2.0% for coca paste (basuco); 2.5% for non-prescription anxiolytic drugs, 2.3% for inhalants, and 0.7% of participants had injected drugs. Presenting any mental disorder was associated with being female (OR=1,61 IC95%: 1,21-2,14) and experiencing more than one forced displacement (OR=1,47 IC95%: 1,05-2,05). The use of any drug was associated with being male (OR=5,38 IC95%: 2,35-12,34).


Compared to the general population, our study population exhibited high prevalence of mental disorders and drug use, emerging as a public health issue that calls for the design of plans and the implementation of programs aimed at recovering the mental health and well-being of this population.

Keywords : Mental disorders; drug users; forced displacement; violence; Colombia.

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