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Print version ISSN 0120-4157On-line version ISSN 2590-7379


CALVO, Eliana Patricia; ARCHILA, Edwin Darío; LOPEZ, Lady  and  CASTELLANOS, Jaime Eduardo. Rediscovering the chikungunya virus. Biomed. [online]. 2021, vol.41, n.2, pp.353-373.  Epub June 15, 2021. ISSN 0120-4157.

The chikungunya virus (CHIKV) is an Alphavirus that belongs to the Old World group. These arthritogenic viruses cause a febrile illness characterized by arthralgias and myalgias.

Although fatal cases during CHIKV infection are rare, the disease may be disabling and generate a broad spectrum of atypical manifestations, such as cardiovascular, respiratory, eye, kidney, and skin complications, among others. When joint pain persists for three or more months, it results in the chronic form of the disease called post-chikungunya chronic inflammatory rheumatism, which constitutes the main disease sequel. CHIKV is not considered a neurotropic virus; however, it can affect the central nervous system, especially in children and the elderly, causing severe and permanent sequelae.

CHIKV outbreaks had been previously reported in Africa, Asia, and Europe, but the virus introduction to the American continent was documented until the end of 2013. Since then, the virus has spread to 45 countries and territories causing near two million cases in just two years. This review describes the molecular biology, clinical manifestations, pathogenesis, and significant post-infection complications of CHIKV. Additionally, it collects published information about the outbreak in Colombia and the American continent between 2014 and 2020.

Keywords : Chikungunya virus/pathogenicity; arboviruses; arthritis; epidemiology.

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