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Praxis Filosófica

Print version ISSN 0120-4688On-line version ISSN 2389-9387


VILLA, Lida Esperanza. El perdón en el plano humano: entre el amor y el diálogo. Prax. filos. [online]. 2015, n.41, pp.125-142. ISSN 0120-4688.

This article explores the possibility of forgiveness having as a backdrop the extreme damage in which the victim has been violated in its physical and psychological integrity without apparent reason. To face the problem, we approach the Jankélévitch perspective where forgiveness is no single or universal, rather it is a personal matter. Accordingly, the article shows that forgiveness can come from i) a completely selfless act of love in which the victim in an act of generosity and humility donates forgiveness without expecting anything in return and ii) from the dialogue established between victim and executioner where the second recognizes the fault and thus establishes communication with the victim. However and given the human limits, recognizing the fault it does not necessarily mean the event of forgiveness

Keywords : Forgiveness; love; spiritual gift; relation offended - offender; Jankélévitch.

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