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Universitas Humanística
Print version ISSN 0120-4807
ALVAREZ GANDOLFI, Federico. Fanaticism and cultural voracity. A rereading of the debates on omnivorism. univ.humanist. [online]. 2018, n.85, pp.321-345. ISSN 0120-4807.
The guiding principle of this work is to reflect in an exploratory manner on cultural and identity experiences based on consumption in the current era, taking as a case the otaku or Argentine fans of manga and anime. We propose a cross between the following problematization dimensions taking into account conceptualizations about the “postmodern” historical period and the accelerated processes of “commodification” that societies would go through: how fan consumption patterns are linked to certain distinction mechanisms, and how fanaticism becomes important to guide practices of socialization and meaning. The general theoretical purpose is to articulate the sociological discussions between the Bourdian current of homology and the tendencies to cultural omnivorism with the concepts obtained from the studies about fans, taking into account the deployment of intragroup hierarchies that constitutes an empty space in the existing approaches on the otaku.
Keywords : commodification; studies about fans; cultural omnivorism; otaku; manga; anime.