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Acta Biológica Colombiana
Print version ISSN 0120-548X
OLAYA-NIETO, CHARLES W; ARELLANO-PADILLA, JOHN J and MARTINEZ-GONZALEZ, ANGEL L. Feeding Habits of Barbul de Piedra (Ariopsis sp.) in the Sinu River, Colombia. Acta biol.Colomb. [online]. 2012, vol.17, n.1, pp.117-128. ISSN 0120-548X.
The feeding habits of Barbul de piedra in the Sinu river were studied. The stomach content was analyzed using the proportion of empty stomachs, grade of digestion, frequency of occurrence, numerical frequency, gravimetry, relative importance index and the gut length-total length relationship. Only 18.8% of stomachs were empty, most of preys were half-digested and five food groups were identified: Crustaceans, fishes, vegetable rests, molluscs and others. Crustaceans were the most frequent, abundant and greater weight composition group. The relative importance index indicated that crustaceans and fishes were secondary relative importance groups and vegetable rests, molluscs and others were occasional or circumstantial groups. The results achieved in this work indicate that Barbul de piedra is a fish that keeps your feeding habits as they grow and along the hydrological cycle, although shows carnivorous preference, especially by Crustaceans.
Keywords : Barbul de piedra; Ariopsis sp; Food; Sinu river; Colombia.