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Acta Biológica Colombiana

Print version ISSN 0120-548X


GALLO GARCIA, Yuliana et al. COINFECCIÓN NATURAL DE VIRUS DE ARN EN CULTIVOS DE PAPA (Solanum tuberosum subsp. Andigena) EN ANTIOQUIA (COLOMBIA). Acta biol.Colomb. [online]. 2019, vol.24, n.3, pp.546-560. ISSN 0120-548X.

Viral diseases are one of the main phytopathological problems affecting potato crops worldwide. To determine the most prevalent viruses in potato var. Diacol Capiro crops in Eastern Antioquia, 36 leaf samples were tested for the presence of PVY, PVA, PVV, TaLMV, PVS, PLRV, PYVV, PVX, ToRSV and PMTV using RT-qPCR. Detected viruses included PVY, PVX, PYVV, PLRV and PVS with prevalence levels of 88.9 %, 75.0 %, 75.0 %, 41.7 % and 25.0 %, respectively. PVS, PVY, PLRV and PVX were also tested by ELISA. PVS, PVY and PLRV tested positive in 80.5 %, 55.0 % and 5.5 % of samples; PVX was not detected. Prevalence Ratios (PR) suggests that detection is higher for PVY (PR = 1.6) and PLRV (PR = 7.5) using RT-qPCR. ELISA worked better for PVS with a PR of 3.2; this result suggests that the RT-qPCR primers used for PVS must be adjusted to reflect the genome diversity of virus in Antioquia. The most frequent coinfection was PVY-PYVV-PVX, which occurred in 22.2 % of samples; coinfection with PVY, PVX, PYVV, PLRV and PVS was present in 11.1 % of samples. The circulation of these viruses in Eastern Antioquia was further confirmed using Sanger and high-throughput sequence. This work highlights the need to strengthen integrated disease management programs of viruses in Antioquia.

Keywords : ELISA; Next-generation sequencing (NGS); RNA viruses; RT-qPCR; Solanaceae.

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